Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sourcing our own free range meat

As you know I'm a big believer in free range produce and knowing where it came from and sourcing locally to the best of our ability and budget. Not everyone can do all of these all of the time, but some conciencious acts all add up!

But my other half and I have taken some of this a little further. So far we've sourced our own meats from local free range farmers- not only does this support local businesses, but I know they've had a 'good life'. I know many would struggle with killing their own meat, and whilst I've not physically done this with my own hand, I do believe as a meat eater this is something we should see. I know many will disagree with me, but it does give you an appreciation of what meat is, and not just neatly cling film wrapped on a supermarket shelf. It also increases my personal philosophy about 'eating the whole beast' or not being affraid of the 'cheap' or 'unpopular/unfashionable' cuts. But if your killing an animal as a food source and taking a life, I feel we cheat that animal by not maximising what we do with it.
So I shall add some not so popular recipes from our porker shortly... I just wished we'd taken some pics at the time- maybe next time (nothing gory don't frett)

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